The current price hikes and increasing inflationary pressures are the biggest concern of the people. Last year's consumer price index (CPI) rose by 4.8% year-on-year, mainly due to large increases in the cost of food and housing. There are a variety of factors behind the price increases. Though the domestic prices of farm products have remained

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Country's film authority to crack down on box office fraud


Second-hand iPhone 7 sold for over 41,000 USD in judicial

CHAPTER II: THE COUNCIL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF … 2017-6-2 · The Royal Government shall not impose price control on the products or services of investors who have received prior approval from the Government. Article 11: In accordance with the relevant laws and€ regulations€ issued and published to the public by the National. 2015年第8号公告(总第205号): 2019-4-1 · Audit Results on the Financial Revenues and Expenditures of China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. for the Year 2013 (Announced on June 28, 2015) Pursuant to provisions of the Audit Law of the People's Republic of China, in 2014, the National Audit Office (CNAO) conducted an audit on the financial revenues and expenditures of China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as CSG Hunan Satellite TV